Since April 1st 2010, following the Decree No. 2009-1695 of 30 December 2009, published in the Journal Officiel of December 31st 2009, the regulation in the domiciliation activity increases : an approval of a renewable period of six years issued by the Prefecture is required to run this activity.

This approval is granted to companies that can supply a room capable of ensuring confidential discussions, allow regular board meetings for management, administration or supervision of a company, and keeping books, records and documents prescribed by laws and regulations.

Richelieu Domiciliation was issued by Prefecture de Police de Paris the approval No DOM2010048 on August 10, 2010.



It is also our obligation (according to art R213-168 Code of Commerce) to hold, for each resident, evidence of the domicile of its legal representative, its telephone number, and each of its places of business and place of detention for the accounting records when they are not conserved in the domiciliation company.
